
September 25, 2020

Use these Chrome Enterprise security resources to better secure endpoints

According to IDC, approximately 70% of security breaches originate from endpoints. You need an informed endpoint security strategy for your organization. Pullin Cloud Technologies can help. Check out the blog post, Use these Chrome Enterprise security resources to better secure endpoints, to learn how to protect enterprise data and keep your business safe.
September 25, 2020

More Power & Performance: Professional Workstations Give Healthcare Users the Technology They Need

The health of tomorrow today with @Lenovo! Read this blog post, brought to you by *[$profile.organization], to understand how healthcare technology will evolve in the future, and how Lenovo is leading the way. Keep yourself ahead of the curve and well-prepared with information about the latest medical advancements. #SmarterWithLenovo
September 25, 2020

Simply Smarter Cloud-Managed Networking

Simply smarter cloud-managed networking. This solution overview, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, explains how @ArubaNetworks delivers intelligently simple and secure high-performance networking for amazing experiences by users and IT alike. It also lists the features that make Aruba such a good match for midsized and growing businesses including simplified, cloud-based networking; built-in automation and optimization; resilient and flexible architecture; and multi-threat network security.
September 25, 2020

Two signs that IT modernization initiatives are making headway

IT modernization initiatives are making headway. Read this article, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn more about the 2 awards HUD recently made in the Centers of Excellence IT Modernization initiative. One award was to accelerate cloud adoption, which will help HUD transform its business processes by leveraging records management, forms-as-a-service, and AI. The other was to improve customer experience services, which will result in higher-quality service delivery for grantees, public housing agencies, and other stakeholders. @HPE #HPE