
September 12, 2020

Lenovo EdVision Program Brochure

@Lenovo EdVision brings distance learning closer to perfection! Download this brochure, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn how @Lenovo can help educators transition to distance learning at scale, complete with personalized learning tools that allow educators to tailor programming to students' needs. #SmarterWithLenovo
September 12, 2020

Lenovo launches EdVision, a program that will help schools transition to e-learning

Let @Lenovo help you make the transition to e-learning! It's not always easy to make major technological shifts, but educators need distance learning solutions now more than ever. Visit this blog post, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn how @Lenovo EdVision is helping educators swiftly and seamlessly roll out digital learning tools at scale. #SmarterWithLenovo
September 12, 2020

Webex Contact Center AI

Companies that integrate unified communications with contact center technologies see a 31% increase in agent productivity. This infographic, brought to you by ContentMX, LLC, shows how Cisco Contact Center solutions use AI and @CiscoSMB #Webex to empower agents, providing them with all the data they need to deliver an outstanding CX.
September 12, 2020

SafeNet Trusted Access

49% of IT and security providers believe that cloud-based applications are the biggest target for cyberattacks. In addition to the risk of a data breach, organizations must deal with challenges faced by user accessibility and enabling compliance. A central access management strategy is a critical component needed to handle these cloud application concerns. An ideal solution provides smart single sign-on, secured access points, and visibility into cloud access events. See how the access management solution SafeNet Trusted Access, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, can handle these tasks.