
August 22, 2020

The Promise of Multicloud Storage

Multicloud storage is the easy on-ramp to the cloud your business has been waiting for. Built to avoid vendor lock-in and accommodate data movement between clouds, multicloud storage is the anytime, anywhere solution that is both economical and elegant. If you've been unhappy with the lack of transparency, reliability, visibility, or cost of cloud services, you'll love HPE Cloud Volumes, which is built to be compromise-free. To see how it all works and view the benefits of multicloud storage, check out "The Promise of Multicloud Storage," which is brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies.
August 22, 2020

Device-as-a-service makes device ownership and management a thing of the past

Why does CIO.com think that Device as a Service (DaaS) is making device ownership and management a thing of the past? They call it a seismic shift, for all the right reasons. Access to the latest technology. Lower, predictable costs. Unburdens IT. Boosts security. Every member of your team will benefit. Who could ask for anything more? Read the full article, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies.
August 22, 2020

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Google G Suite

It's time to reinvent how you work. #gsuite empowers employees with intuitive, powerful tools to support remote productivity and team collaboration. The security of your organization improves, and ROI assures the changes pay for themselves. Download "The Total Economic Impact™ Of Google G Suite" white paper by @forrester-research, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn how G Suite can transform your business & bottom line.
August 22, 2020

Business Value Calculator | Google G Suite

Pop quiz: Which business outcome would you choose? A) 171 hours saved annually per employee B) 1.5% revenue growth C) 99.9% of spam, malware, and phishing emails filtered D) 20% reduction of tech support demand With #gsuite, you don't have to choose. You can have it all. See for yourself with the "G Suite Calculator," brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies and powered by @forrester-research. You'll get a detailed report showing how you can grow your business' ‌revenue, efficiency, and security with G Suite.