
December 23, 2020


Why HPE for SAP HANA? This infographic, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, depicts how HPE's expertise, infrastructure, and services make it the best systems provider for businesses running SAP HANA. The first section cites 6 statistics that showcase HPE's expertise regarding SAP HANA. The second section shows how HPE solutions offer the performance, scalability, availability, flexibility, and TCO attributes needed to achieve the best possible results from SAP HANA. The third section depicts how HPE provides systems and support services that are specifically geared toward SAP HANA.
December 23, 2020

9 ways beer and UPSs are alike

How are beer and UPSs alike? Download this #eaton infographic, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn 9 little-known facts and tips about the similarities between beer and UPSs. For example, did you know that both beer and UPSs perform optimally when stored and used at the proper temperature? #eatonpwer
December 23, 2020

Aruba ESP in Healthcare

In the face of today's rapidly evolving healthcare challenges, we need doctors and nurses to have data at their fingertips, technology that helps avoid crises, and emerging research able to improve patient outcomes. We need health care at the edge. Check out this video, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn how Aruba ESP, the industry's first AI-powered network, is making this a reality.