
September 3, 2024

Prepare for a company-wide address

Take the drudgery out of work with your very own personal #AI assistant, @Microsoft Copilot. From summarizing meetings to drafting memos and creating presentation slides, Copilot can take a lot of minutia off your plate so you can focus on bigger ideas. See all the ways that Copilot helps business leaders like you prepare for a company presentation. View the infographic. 👇
September 4, 2024

Speed time to value for your AI initiatives

Get started with your first AI initiatives and overcome obstacles. This solution brief provides a checklist on how to advance your apps with @Hewlett Packard Enterprise AI-ready solutions and will help you determine requirements. Contact Pullin Cloud Technologies today for information on the complete portfolio of HPE systems for AI app development and implementation.
September 9, 2024

Cisco AI Readiness Assessment—How do you compare?

Want to quickly see where you are with your AI readiness? Take a few minutes to take this @Cisco fast AI assessment using this interactive calculator. It measures your AI preparedness score within several critical IT areas, including strategy, infrastructure, data, and governance. Your score will provide insight into your level of preparedness and how you rate against peer organizations. Pullin Cloud Technologies is ready to help you assess your needs to help you reach your AI workload requirements, so contact us today.