
November 14, 2020

Remote Manageability for the Modern Workforce

Anything outside the corporate firewall is more vulnerable to security risks, and 70% of employees work 1 or more days per week away from the office. Intel® Active Management Technology meets the demands of this modern workforce, as it allows IT professionals to enable a secure and productive work experience both on-premise and in the cloud. Download the product brief, "Remote Manageability for the Modern Workforce," brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn how Intel® Active Management Technology supports the changing workforce for IT and end users. @IntelBusiness
November 15, 2020

CISO Survival Guide—5 tips to make your operations more efficient

Integrated cybersecurity solutions from @Cisco. With threats growing in number and complexity—and with the large number of vendors that CISOs rely on to keep their systems secure—cybersecurity can be overwhelming. Use these tips, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn how you can make your organization's cybersecurity operations more efficient.
November 15, 2020

The CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager for Multi-cloud Environments

When keeping cloud-based assets secure in such environments, professionals can implement best encryption key practices using CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager™—a FIPS-140-2-compliant key generation and storage tool by Thales eSecurity®. Compared with traditional key management, this solution is highly scalable, cost-effective, and easy to use. Learn about the benefits of CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager for multi-cloud services through this white paper, provided by Pullin Cloud Technologies. @Thalesesecurity
November 15, 2020

Data Protection on Demand: The Key to Cloud-Based Key Management

Replace traditional hardware security modules (HSMs) with cloud-based SafeNet Data Protection™ on Demand from Thales eSecurity®. Traditional HSMs are limited in supporting organizations on the cloud due to restricted functionality, latency issues, and costly scaling. SafeNet Data Protection on Demand, which does not require upfront capital investment, is a better option for cloud-based key management. The solution offers management tools for encryption keys and HSMs under a single platform. To learn about the benefits of the service, view this blog post, provided by Pullin Cloud Technologies. @Thalesesecurity