
October 31, 2020

5G Will Create $10 Trillion in Economic Output by 2035

By 2025, billions of 5G devices will be in use, and by 2035, 5G will create $10 trillion in economic output. 5G will be the key to application and integration in a data-centric world, forming the infrastructure for an intelligent and fully connected society. Check out this short video, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies, to learn more about how the Xeon® processor is helping to modernize the communications infrastructure for 5G. @IntelBusiness.
October 31, 2020

Cut Factory Costs and Increase Efficiency with Remote PC Management

Speed up IT maintenance; reduce PC downtime. Traditional IT maintenance—from call center escalation to troubleshooting and returning fixed devices—takes 40+ minutes to complete for headless devices in factories. With Intel® Active Management Technology, this process can be reduced to 5 minutes. View this case study to uncover the business benefits of Intel vPro™ platform's powerful hardware-based feature, brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies.
November 3, 2020

Pixel 4a: The Helpful Google phone for business

Pixel 4a—built for every business. Full of helpful. Pixel 4a helps your employees manage any task at hand. And with the best of Google's technology, software, and innovation, it gets even better over time. Learn more about the helpful phone from Google; download "Pixel 4a: The Helpful Google phone for business," brought to you by Pullin Cloud Technologies.